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Nausea....that’s why....battling it all started getting in the car to the wig store. The uber driver had to unlock the window so I could roll it all the way down. The air was cool and deep breathing (my long lost friend from childbirth) kept me going. The wig shop didn’t have my petite wigs, bummer, and the real hair version color was still too blonde. I opted for another wig though I know it will need more more (thinning) to actually look like my hair but I have to wait until I have less hair. I wore the wig out of the shop like a new pair of sneakers for the first day of school. It was a challenge as it’s more hair then I've ever had but I felt I needed to do it. I need to take the power back. That’s why I’ve decided to cut my hair short. After xmas I’ll go to the hairdresser and cry as she gives me a really short cut. Not a buzz cut but a very short cut. Then I have another appointment at the wig shop and can have this one I bought thinned. After the wig shop hubby and I went to Macy’s for some retail therapy. Schlepping my death and destruction chemo machine through the city up and down the streets I managed to get in my first set of 8,000 steps in over two weeks since this started. Although it doesn’t seem huge it’s a vast improvement of barely being able to work a block without gasping for air. Day three and in bed nauseas doing deep breathing. Moms more comfortable since her surgery but has more chemo to go.

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