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And for New Year’s Eve you’ve won....

A three night stay at the lovely Morristown Hospital in a private luxury suite! Yep, that’s where I am. The private parts true also I’m quarantined. Seems after my desperate bouts of abdominal distress for which I must have taken every over the counter and prescription laxative I could bear it no more and hubby and I raced to Morristown fearing I could never make it back to the city. I was right...a change of venue was all my bowels needed to unleash and they did in the emergency room.

After the implosion Morristown checked my bloods, did xrays and CT’s of my abdomen and lo and behold it wasnt just intestinal. my white blood cell counts which had been in normal range three days before dropped to 1 (1 is the loneliest number). They weren’t letting me leave. Not only that I had a Corona virus (usually only available on May 5 - thanks bro for the line). Not too serious more like the common cold but with no white blood cells to fight back had to be watched. Hence the quarantine. No one in my room without mask, gloves gowns. And no way out. Seems once again this white thing is a trade off on neulasta. So I’m hear for a few days. Taking in the view - not. And waiting for my white count to rise.

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